Kalash & Hunza Jeep Safari


Between the high spurs of Karakoram and Nanga Parbat Ranges, rising above alpine meadows, hides a high plateau of wild beauty.  At 4000m, Deosai Plains are an ecological paradise. High summits, remote valleys, famous trade roads, ecology, authentic cultures are the attractive points of this 21 days Chitral Kalash valley & jeep safari.


Meeting with our staff. Installation at hotel. Afternoon visit of the towns of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Flight to Skardu (1hr) capital of Baltistan (2286m) Impressive panorama on Nanga Parbat and Karakorum Range. After flying over the Margalla Hills which surround Islamabad the plane follows Kaghan valley. At Babusar Pass, it turns right and flies over the gorge of Indus River. Enormous rocks rising on either side look fascinating. Know as “Little Tibet” Skardu offers a cool and bracing climate. The Kharpocho Fort dominates the town. Transfer to hotel.

Drive to Khaplu along Indus River then Shyok River. Temperature differences between glacial environments in the upper Shigar Valley and the hot valley near Skardu produce very strong winds which accumulate high sand dunes on the terraces of Indus River.

Before Partition, Baltistan was divided into 4 kingdoms and some principalities. Skardu, the richest and most important in the centre, Khaplu was controlling. The route to Ladakh, Shigar was opening the Shiok valley to north and Rondo was guarding the Indus gorge to the west. Visit of the old and historical town. Hotel.

Drive to Hushe the last village up the valley and starting point for Baltoro glacier. Visit of the typical Mashoroo village. Magnificent views of Masherbrum (7821m) surrounded by lower peaks. At Kande views on K6 (7281) and K7 (6934m). Return Khaplu. Hotel.

Drive to Deosai Plains a high plateau ( above 4000m) uninhabited and inhospitable in winter, snow-covered for eight months of the year. But in summer its an enchanted wilderness. The National Park of Deosai Plains covers a vast area surrounded by 5000-6000m mountains. Small streams run along the plateau where you can fish. Camp.

Cross the Deosai plateau via Ali Malik Pass. On morning walk across the plateau in search of the bears and another protected wild species. Camp.

Drive to Tarishing via Chachor Pass. At Sheoso Lake there are magnificent views of Nanga Parbat. Tarishing, a beautiful small town, is surrounded by high peaks and gives views on the valley. There is a small wooden Fort, memory of the past rivalries with neighbor valleys. Hotel.

Full day excursion to Nanga Parbat Base-Camp ( Herrligkoffer) crossing Tarishing glacier and walk through the green meadows of Rupal villages to discover the astonishing vertical wall of south face of Nanga Parbat. Return to Tarishing. Hotel.

Drive to Rama Lake (3480m) situated in thick pine forests. In July the meadows are covered with many species of wild flowers. A jeep road leads to small glaciers and to the lake. The National Park is managed by WWF. In summer villagers stay with their herds in the pastures and store wood for the. Hotel.

Drive to Gilgit by the Astor valley (6hrs), then, along Indus River. The KKH cuts its way in rock walls or in ancient moraines. Large, flat and rocky plaices edge the River and further appears the immaculate summit of Nanga Parbat (8125m), the Killer Mountain. Stop at the view point where Karakorum, Himalayas and Hindukush Ranges meet. Installation at hotel.

Drive to Naltar valley ( 2880m). ( 3 hrs) Hidden in the mountains up a dramatic barren gorge 19 kilometers long is the surprisingly green and lush valley of Naltar. It’s a good departure for day hiking. Return to Gilgit. Hotel.

Drive to Karimabad the capital of Hunza (3hrs). Perched on the bank of the Hunza River the town is shadowed by Ultar, Lady Finger and Rakaposhi peaks. On way, stop to admire the view on Rakaposhi (7788m). Visit of the town: the Baltit and Altit Forts, the channels, the nice shops. Drive to Duikar to admire the sunset on the Hunza and Nagar valleys hotel.

Karimabad . Excursion to Nagar valley dominated by Rakaposhi Peak. Views on Malubiting (7266m), and Diran peaks. Hotel.

Drive to Gulmit by the KKH. Visit the Museum with traditional ethnic artifacts, old Ismaili mosque with carved woodwork, the Tomb of Silum Khan III, water- mills and old houses. Up from the polo ground there is Kamaris village which offers fine views of the jagged Passu spires. Hotel.

Drive to Gilgit an important market-town on the Silk Road. Visit the Buddha carved in rock at Kharga and exploration of the town. Many shops show the precious stones, which are mined in all the area. Hotel.

Early morning drive to Raikot Bridge on Indus River and up to the village of Tato. A short trek (2 to 3 hrs) leads to Fairy Meadow (3306m) at the feet of North face of Nanga Parbat. Superb views all on the way and magical spot for the campsite to admire the sunset on the mountain. Overnight in Huts.

Trek back to Tato. Jeep to Chilas, famous for the petroglyphes on the banks of the Indus River. Hotel.

Drive to Naran (2427m) by Babusar Pass or Botho Gha Pass(4145m) From the Pass you can see the naked mountain Nanga Parbat and Rakaposhi surrounded by summer pastures. On the Way, Lulusar Lake and Lalazar plateau. Hotel.

Drive to Naran (2427m) by Babusar Pass or Botho Gha Pass(4145m) From the Pass you can see the naked mountain Nanga Parbat and Rakaposhi surrounded by summer pastures. On the Way, Lulusar Lake and Lalazar plateau. Hotel.

Excursion to Saif-ul-Maluk Lake at 10 km from Naran. The crystal waters of the lake mirror the Malika Parbat Peak.( queen of the mountains). The lake and its surroundings are breathtakingly. Follow to Shogran hotel.

Drive to Islamabad. On way visit Taxila: the earliest city Bhir Mound, Sirsukh built by the Kushan kings, the Dharmarajika Stupa and the archeological museum. Hotel.



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