Helicopter Safari

This three day helicopter safari has been named the Eighth Wonder because it is not only wonderful but also combines the wonders of the Himalayas, the Hindukush and the Karakoram. It mostly runs along the Karakoram Highway from Islamabad to Khunjerab Pass on the Pak-China border, the highest road crossing at 16,000 feet. This exhilarating flight takes you into the scenic helipad at Fairy Meadows, a place where Fairies dance, which is situated at north face of Nanga Parbat – The Naked Mountain for a lunch stop and then along the Gilgit – Skardu Canyon over river Indus to Skardu for a night stop. You will fly from Skardu to the mouth of Baltoro along the Shigar Valley and Braldu Gorge on the second day and on to Hunza overflying Biafo-Hispar glaciers, the longest (115 km) outside polar regions and the Snow Lake known for one of the most magnificent sceneries on earth. From Hunza you will fly to Khunjerab Pass along the Karakoram Highway with views on Passu and Baltoro Glaciers and back to Gilgit for a night stop. The scenery during this fly is simply the most awesome. On the third day we continue south along the Karakoram Highway to Malam Jabba in the Swat Valley for a leisure stop. Stunning scenery and thrilling moments of enjoying are the attractions of this safari.

Helicopter TypePassengers

Package Includes

  • 4 nights stay at Islamabad in hotel on twin sharing
  • 2 nights stay at Skardu Shangrila/ Gilgit
  • Helicopter Safari charges
  • Transport charges
  • Reception, departure briefing, conduct assistance
  • Enroute refreshments


Arrive Islamabad, Visit coordination & completion of essential formalities. Sight Seeing. Taxila Museum, Murree Bhurbhan, Rawalpindi old city, Rawal Dam, Shakar Parian.

Helicopter Safari from Islamabad to Skardu enroute: Shogran, Naran, Lake Saif-ul-Maluk, Babusar Pass, Chilas, Karokoram Highway, Indus River, Fairy Meadows, (Stay with lunch and photography) Astor Valley Lake Sheosar, Deosai Plains, Lake Satpara, Skardu, Shangrilan (night stay at lake Kachura, Heaven on Earth)

Helicopter Safari from Skardu to Khunjerab Pass and back with night stay at Gilgit. Enroute: Fly through Skardu Gilgit Canyon Rakaposhi, Naltar, Hunza, (Landing with lunch sight seeing and photography, visit to town and Balteet Museum) Batura Glacier, Shimshal Valley, Passu, Sust/ Dhi, Khunjerab Pass, back to Gilgit( night stay, sight seeing)

Helicopter Safari from Gilgit to Islamabad. Enroute: Jaglot( Indus and Gilgit river Junction/ confluence of the three highest mountain ranges of the world: Karakoram, Hindukush and Himalayas.) Chilas (flying along Indus river and Karakoram Highway to Malam Jabba). Refreshments/lunch sight seeing and photography, a skiing resort. Departure for Islamabad flying over head Churchill Picket, Tarbela Dam ( world biggest earth filled Dam).

Departure coordination & completion of essential formalities. Shopping & sight seeing. 


