
Just to let you know our holiday was fantastic and we had a lovely time in Pakistan.
Everything was just right.
We will make good advertisement to your firm and Pakistan.

Francesco Ricci

al ritorno dal trekking al nanga parbat i deo assolutamente ringraziare nanga parbat adventures agenzia in islamabad davvero inpeccabile nei serizi di trasporto e nella organizzazione del trekking insomma totalmente affidabile devo pio ringraziare attah la guida shaker il cuoco e zahed il driver che con la loro gentilezza e premurosita mi hanno fatto sentire come a casa grazie di cuore a tutto lo staff di nanga parbat adventures

Marello Renato

“Wenn wir reisen, kommen wir nie so zurück. wie wir gegangen sind…”
Pakistan🇵🇰, noch einmal ein Fazit☺️. Bis vor ein paar Wochen war es für uns, wie sicher für Viele ein „unscheinbarer Fleck“ auf der Weltkarte. Nach unserem Besuch hat es sich als Perle entpuppt.
Ein Land mit einer atemberaubenden Vielfalt und schöner Natur erwartete uns. Mit Karakorum, Hindukusch und Himalaya treffen die spektakulärsten Gebirge aufeinander.
Dieser gigantische Indus, der uns in den wunderschönsten Blau- und Türkistönen begleitete.
Die N35, der legendäre Karakorum Highway und die alte Seidenstraße durchqueren Pakistan. Den höchsten Grenzübergang der Welt, den Khunjerab-Pass, teilt sich Pakistan mit China. Wir standen vor dem Nanga Parbat … dem Killermountain, wie er genannt wird … Rakaposhi und Masherbrum reihen sich ein. Wer einen Blick auf den K2 werfen möchte, kann dies beim Trekking tun.
Pakistan hat uns nicht nur mit einer traumhaften Landschaft überzeugt … eine herzliche Gastfreundschaft und wundervolle, ehrliche Begegnungen und Gespräche mit den Pakistani erwarteten uns.
Ein ganz besonderes DANKESCHÖN🫶 möchten wir auf diesem Weg noch einmal dem Team von Nanga Parbat mit Atta Ullah und Dilawar Masih (Peter) sagen. Ohne euch wäre es nur halb so schön gewesen. Ihr habt uns eure Heimat, eure Kultur und eure Lebensart nähergebracht. Ihr habt uns das reale Pakistan erleben lassen und wir versprechen, wir kommen wieder -> ہم واپس آءیں گے✌️ !
Danke und auf Wiedersehen … شکریہ اور خدا حافظ 👋
German Guests

Karo & Andreas


Reservamos un tour a última hora y con las prisas con Nanga Parbat adventures y solo puedo decir que el trato antes y durante el tour fue excelente. Nos dieron el mejor asesoramiento en todo, no solo en cuanto al tour también durante todo el tramite para obtener el visado en la embajada. El viaje no pudo ir mejor, nos acogieron como si fueramos parte de su familia y compartimos 10 maravillosos días junto a ellos viajando por el norte de Pakistán. Si reserváis un tour con ellos no os va a defraudar en absoluto y disfrutaréis de un precioso país además de la compañía de una gente maravillosa. Sin duda repetiremos!!!


Ibiza (Spain)

It was awesome experience with Nanga Parbat Advneture during trekking to K-2 Base Camp in August 2019. I recommend the trekking & adventure lovers to consult Nanga Parbat Adventure for your future trips. Great!



Hallo an alle Unentschlossenen in Deutschland, Pakistan ist auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert. Vor allem, wenn man so gut betreut wird wie von Nanga Parbat Adventures. Ich bin 2x dort gewesen und war begeistert. Sehr gute Organisation, sehr freundliche und kompetente Mitarbeiter, die versuchen, alles möglich zu machen, auch wenn das Wetter verücktspielt oder andere unvorhersehbare Dinge passieren. Wer Trekking und ein bisschen Abenteuer liebt, der sollte nach Pakistan reisen. Die Nanga Parbat Region ist grossartig und es gibt so viele Trekkingtouren in atemberaubenden Landschaften. Und wer auf Kultur steht, findet auch da Einiges – Hunza, Lahore, Taxila, Mohenjo Daro…Viel Spaß und vielen Dank NPA für eine wunderbare Zeit



Loving, from the movies, the colorful and painted trucks Abbas takes me to Rawalpindi, the old city divided by ISL only by a road. There is the enchantment of an entire square where the artisans of the sector restore and paint these old trucks that travel throughout Pakistan, from Karachi, in the South to China. Traveling meticulous art that makes you happy like most Pakistanis, ironic, kind, easy human contact. Then the Gilgit Baltistan: I remain with bated breath when flying over the sparkling mountain like a huge diamond: the Nanga Parbat. The mythical mountain that all of me knows for its beauty and might. More, more, more than I expected: the most extraordinary spectacle I have seen in my life. A team of Liver Khan, the founder of the NPA Company, was waiting for me at Gilgit airport. Liver Khan through the Eden valley takes me to a delightful hotel next to the Parliament of this region. Even there, the garden, flowers … gardeners always working to have the grass, a green carpet. Super welcome, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, fine and fresh air. Then the enchantment of the journey, on the Karakoram Highway to the border of China. Passing through Hunza and its visit able fortress, home to the Aga Khan lineage and the Israelite Muslims. A guide inside shows me the museum, the house, the furnishings. Liver Khan, welcomed by all with cordiality and affection: known everywhere and much loved. Of course, the rules of international tourism … but here as never before I felt like a local citizen. I communicated with many who, despite speaking Urdu and Shina, were fluent in English, the national language of the state. Last but not least, Passu is his hotelier … extraordinary encounters, friends as if I had known forever. Great desire to return … to know the Pakistani land again. I wholeheartedly thank the NPA for organizing the most beautiful trip of my life in my last years. With gratitude!


Alessandra chinaglia

Venice, Italy.

Dear Nanga Parbat Team

Time flies … already more than three weeks have passed since we left Pakistan. Even though we have returned to our daily life, many good memories remain and are revived each time we talk to friends and family about our experience or look at our pictures!

One point is still open, namely our promised feedback. Please find some input below.

Overall, as we mentioned before, we are very satisfied with our trip and the services provided by Nanga Parbat Adventure. We believe that we made the right choice!

Initial Planning
we appreciated the trip being tailor-made to our input regarding preferences as well as your high responsiveness and excellent support for all logistics.

All staff was very professional, competent, friendly and hands-on.
Despite often difficult road conditions the drivers did a good job, and we felt relatively secure.
Susanna’s indisposition was considerately and appropriately handled, including fast access to medical check, flexible change of schedule and support for recovery (rest days, supply of optimal food).

Trek and Camps
the guide always found a suitable route for us. Together with the cook and assistant, he supported us in places where we needed assistance (crossing of crevasses and rivers, steep slippery terrain), so that we always felt safe.
We enjoyed a high level of comfort and service in the camps. We appreciated the choice of scenic spots for most camps and the immaculate equipment. The nourishing food was adjusted to our taste, and the cook flexibly handled any special requests.

We are actually thinking about returning to the Pakistani mountains next year. If we decide on another trip, we will certainly get in contact with you.

All the best to the Nanga Parbat team

Biafo Hispar Glacier

Rosa Forrer & Susanna Forrer
