Hushe Valley

summer Tours

Pakistan, a land of contrasts, offers a unique blend of adventure, culture, and natural beauty. While summers can be hot in many parts of the country, there are plenty of cooler retreats waiting to be explored. Here are some popular summer tour destinations in Pakistan: Hunza, Gilgit, Skardu.

The best summer tour to have in Pakistan is in the season of Cherries. The cherry season in Pakistan starts from May to July. While cherries can be found in other parts of the country, the most renowned and abundant cherry production is in the region of Gilgit-Baltistan region. This northern area’s unique climate and altitude create an ideal conditions for cultivating these delicious fruits. 


Cherry Picking Tour an exclusive tour for the enthusiasts of Nature and Culture. The tour takes you through the culture and let you cherish the lanscape of Pakistan. The mixture of culture and nature will have you amazed at the beauty of the land.

Karakoram Jeep Safari tour take us Karakoram Highway, eighth wonder of the world, is a unique highway that provides one of the most adventurous and scenic journeys to many parts of F.A.N.A (Federally Administered Northern Areas).

Karakoram Jeep Safari Tour take us to the Karakoram Highway, eighth wonder of the world, is a unique highway that provides one of the most adventurous and scenic journeys to many parts of F.A.N.A (Federally Administered Northern Areas).

One of the most perfect trip for those who enthusiasts of nature and adventure, takes you over the highest mountain passes into the Worlds Three Great Mountain Ranges, The Himalayas, Karakoram and Hindukush.

Uchal Kalash Summer Festival is the perfect trip for those who are enthusiastic in studying the life styles and ancient customs of the Kalash tribes living in three isolated valleys of Bumboret, Rambur and Birir in the heart of the Hindukush mountains.