Kargah Buddha

Archaeology Through Nanga Parbat Adventure

For many years I have been searching for a tour organizer that can not only covers the landscapes but also accommodates their tourists with the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Nanga Parbat Adventure is one of the few travel organizers that lead you to the landscapes while sharing an abundant amount of histories.

I always wondered can there be a best way to show and propagate history and archaeology of Pakistan. Tourism was always a plus point for the people enthusiasts of history and archaeology, people who had lived there life to know the past. Nanga Parbat Adventure helps to organize the perfect Historical tour.

They have the best guides which will leave you bewildered by his knowledge. The authenticity of their history telling in highly accurate and updated to current time period. They (Nanga Parbat Adventure) found a best way to propagate archaeology through tourism and by providing the best possible guides to share the history of Pakistan.

The cultural and historical tour of Pakistan offered by Nanga Parbat Adventure are the best tours one can hope to get to have a good amount of historical facts about Pakistan culture while witnessing it with their own eyes. The places like, Lahore (including the rich royal history of Mughals), Islamabad, Gandhara (Ancient Buddhist Region) located in Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa, Indus Valley Civilization (one of the oldest civilization) located in Sindh, and Balochistan (the biggest and the unknown part of the world).

All these places are covered by Nanga Parbat Adventure professional. Every site has its own history and brings a story with it. These unknown stories will soon be known due to the passionate love for tour and history of Pakistan, which is spreading with the help of Nanga Parbat Adventure.


We can proudly say that each tour with Nanga Parbat Adventure is a knowledge gained with enjoying the landscape while learning way of their culture inductively. The feeling beyond words to explain, but the memories and stories remains within. LET THE HISTORY KEEP PROPAGATING THROUGH NANGA PARBAT ADVENTURE TOURS.