Takt i Bhai Monastery Mardan

Buddhist Pilgrimage Tours

Buddhist Pilgriamge Tours takes you to the ancient Buddhist sites, which are historically and regiliously important sites. Pakistan was once a region containing different religious territories. In those religious territories one region was the largest Buddhist region, in which a great population lived and practiced Buddhism. Today the regions are North Western Pakistan and Eastern Afghanistan which were once the Buddhist regions.

Peshawar (Purushpura), was the capital of the Gandhara in Buddhist Period where the rule of Khusanas brought the Golden Age of Buddhism in the 1 century AD. After that Swat (Oddiyana) has abundant number of Monasteries and Stupas and was an important site concerning Buddhism.

 Taxila, and its museum holds the exquisite collection of Buddha’s life Story. Different, ancient Buddhist travellers came to Gandhara to achieve Buddhist teachings and noted the history of the region. Buddhism later, goes to the Northern region of Pakistan where we found a great number of Buddhist Rock Cravings in Chilas.   

Our Buddhist Pilgrimage Tours

11 Days of Buddhist pilgrimage tour and Buddhist Rock Cravings, is one of the important tour, it not only contain the history of Buddhism but also share the prosperity of Buddhism in Pakistan in ancient times.

09 Days of Buddhist pilgrimage tour of Gandhara Civilization is one of the important tour, it not only contain the history of Buddhism but also share the prosperity of Buddhism in Pakistan in ancient times. Pakistan was once a region containing different religious territories.

Buddhist pilgrimage tour is one of the important tour, it not only contain the history of Buddhism but also share the prosperity of Buddhism in Pakistan in ancient times. Pakistan was once a region containing different religious territories.